Dagens Nyheter draws attention to a new study conducted by the Police’s National Operations Department in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg and JobMatch Sweden. Dr Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén has led the study and tells DN that the results show that Sweden’s police chiefs fail in qualities related to social competence.
“As a manager, you are an example to your employees. If you want employees who participate as an active part of the organisation’s development work, trust, transparency and relationship-building must permeate the organisation. Unfortunately, these results show that this is not the case,” says Dr Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén to DN.
The study is the second in a series and others are planned for the future. They are part of a major effort to develop leadership within the Swedish Police force, which began in 2007. The method of all of the studies is to analyse managerial responses to the DNV GL certified personality test JobMatch Talent. Dr Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén has previously commented on the use of JobMatch Talent in her research.
“The test I use has existed and been further developed for 15 years. It is certified and reliable, and difficult to manipulate. It is often used in combination with an intelligence test. In addition, there is a section that shows whether the candidate is realistic in their assessment of themself. In cases where I have found that there are conscious alterations, that person has been excluded.”
Read the full article in DN here
Read more about the study here