21 January 2021

New scientific report confirms: JobMatch Talent can predict job performance

The answers from your JobMatch Talent test reflect your performance in your professional life. This has been confirmed in a new scientific report that followed groups of 305 and 258 people in two independent studies.

– This further proves, in addition to our certifications, that JobMatch Talent really fulfils its purpose in recruitment, says Klaus Olsen regarding the report published in the American scientific journal Psychology and Behavioural Science International Journal.

Work on the report began as early as the beginning of the 2010s. The psychologist, researcher and professor emeritus at the University of Gothenburg, Trevor Archer, wanted to investigate how well the results of the personality test JobMatch Talent corresponded with actual performance in a work context.

The method was simple. By comparing 305 people’s JobMatch Talent results with the subsequent assessments of employers in 2014, as well as follow-up studies in 2018 with the results of 258 new individuals, the researchers were able to point out any connections or deviations.

The result was overwhelming.

– What we could see was that there were strong connections between what the test takers answered and how the employers actual experience regarding their performance. A so-called strong positive correlation. If people had a high value of, for example ‘drive’ or ‘action’, the employer’s assessments also showed to a large extent the same result, says Trevor Archer.

Through these methods, the tests have also been able to show a high level of validity, which means that chance has not affected the results.

Since 2015, JobMatch Talent is also one of only 14 personality tests which are certified by DNV-GL for the Swedish market. 

Klaus Olsen is CEO for JobMatch Sweden.

– This confirms and strengthens JobMatch Talent’s position as a trustworthy tool to use in recruitment. The advantage of JobMatch Talent is that it is built for work performance and is supported by scientific methods, and the report shows that users can trust the results.

This is how the research was carried out:

A total of 563 people’s test results, divided into two separate independent study groups of 305 and 258 at four-year intervals, were compared with the assessments of employers.

A total of nine personality criteria: activity, drive, action, personal development, communication, work structure, decision-making, tolerance and social interest were set against three outcome parameters: productivity and motivation, quality and structure and ability to collaborate.

Read the entire report: Predictive Validity Estimations for the JobMatchTalent Instrument.

Certified tests 2020 from DNV-GL.