Author archive

21 Jan

New scientific report confirms: JobMatch Talent can predict job performance

The answers from your JobMatch Talent test reflect your performance in your professional life. This has been confirmed in a new scientific report that followed groups of 305 and 258 people in two independent studies. – This further proves, in addition to our certifications, that JobMatch Talent really fulfils its purpose in recruitment, says Klaus Read more…

28 Sep

JobMatch Talent’s predictive validity

Psychology and Behavioral Science, International Journal has published a study on JobMatch Talent’s predictive validity. The study shows that JobMatch Talent’s predictive validity – ie the test’s ability to predict work performance is far above what other psychological tests have documented. Professor Emeritus Trevor Archer from the University of Gothenburg believes that predictive validity is Read more…

21 Sep

JobMatch Talent available in yet another language

We continue to expand the availability of the JobMatch Talent test. Now the personality test is also available in Turkish. The international demand for JobMatch talent is ever increasing. Earlier this year, the availability of the JobMatch Talent test increased as five more languages were added – Arabic, French, Italian, Dutch and Spanish – and Read more…

17 Jun

12,000 completed tests & increased revenue – JobMatch continues to grow

2018 was a successful year for JobMatch Sweden with over 12,000 completed JobMatch Talent tests, increased sales by 15 percent and a re-certification from DNV-GL. The company plans to continue to grow by translating the test into new languages and increasing the test system’s user-friendliness.  – A big reason for our steady growth over the last few years is that Read more…

6 Dec

Dagens Nyheter writes about JobMatch Talent study

Dagens Nyheter draws attention to a new study conducted by the Police’s National Operations Department in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg and JobMatch Sweden. Dr Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén has led the study and tells DN that the results show that Sweden’s police chiefs fail in qualities related to social competence. “As a manager, you are Read more…

Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén
4 Dec

Swedish police chiefs lack social skills

A new study shows that Sweden’s police chiefs rank lower than both business and public sector managers in trust, tolerance and relationship-building qualities. The three properties are linked to people’s social skills. “Social skills are important for well-functioning leadership. The fact that Sweden’s police chiefs have these shortcomings is serious,” says Dr Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén, Read more…

20 Sep

SCB increases its use of JobMatch Talent

Statistics Sweden is using JobMatch Talent more than ever. Whether it is for recruitment, competence development or management support, the occupational psychology personality test is an important part of the authority’s strategic work. In addition, SCB, together with JobMatch Sweden, has trained four employees to use, interpret and analyse the results. “We have relied on Read more…

Ny studie: Kan JobMatch Talent förutse personlig utveckling
15 Sep

Different driving forces between male and female leadership

There are very few differences between male and female leadership styles; there is a significantly greater difference between younger and older managers, for example. What a new study from the University of Gothenburg on the personality test JobMatch Talent shows is that the underlying driving forces are all the more different. These insights can help Read more…