Strengthen your skills as a leader with JobMatch Talent

JobMatch Talent helps you to gain insight into your employees’ ways of working and collaborating. By testing your employees with JobMatch Talent, you get a tool to help and support the individual employee and a guide to what you should consider in your leadership style for each person.

Constructive employee appraisals

Why not have a concrete discussion document when you hold your employee appraisals? With JobMatch Talent you have lots to talk about, such as the person’s strengths and developmental areas in relation to the job he/she does.

You also have an outline of how the employee experiences stress and motivation for different things. By using the different report pages, you can help your staff to develop further in the job and it is easier to address the points that may prevent the person from reaching their goals.

Targeted leadership

When you let your employees use JobMatch Talent, you get access to a tool that you can use to optimise your leadership towards each person. You can choose which different reports you want to use.

For example, you can develop guidelines on how to best support, guide and motivate each person. The result also shows where the person matches or does not match the requirements set for his or her role, which can be an excellent way to open a dialogue about the person’s strengths and areas for development.

Give your employees a good start

When you get a new employee, JobMatch Talent can be useful because you get so much information to act on from one and the same test. JobMatch Talent can be used in the recruitment process and for the new employee, and the results can serve as a guide to how to best to introduce the new employee to their new role, which is usually a positive experience for everyone.

Introduce new employees to the group

After recruiting the right person, the next challenge is to get the employee to blend in with the existing group. By allowing existing employees to take a JobMatch Talent test, you can tell in advance how to best get your new team member to fit in.


From hourly workers to management level

You can use JobMatch Talent at all levels of your organisation. With over 120 different work profiles, you have the opportunity to test everyone – from hourly workers to the business managers – and match them to different work requirements.

Instead of investing only in executives, you can give your entire organisation a boost and the opportunity to get the motivational kick that often arises from a JobMatch Talent experience.


Here is how to use JobMatch Talent in your leadership:

  1. Introduce your employees

    You have one or more employees, a group or a whole department who you want to take a JobMatch Talent test. You describe what it is about and what the purpose is. You can take advantage of our result examples on the website, and if you want or need help from us to inform staff about JobMatch Talent and how it works, please feel free to contact us.

  2. You send the test to participants

    You log on to your client account in JobMatch Centre and send the login information to the employees you wish to test via email from there.

  3. The employees answer the 200 questions.

    Your employees log on and answer the questions online, which takes about 45 minutes.

  4. Choose your own level of detail in the results

    You now have many different reports to choose from. You can choose to get a brief summary of strengths and development areas or choose to get more pages with detailed descriptions ranging from work structure, motivation and stress factors to driving forces, collaboration, focus on results and communication. At the same time, you have specific reports on stress factors, motivation and leadership. The reports are written to your employees in a positive spirit, while both strengths and development areas are covered.

  5. Oral feedback

    If you are not certified in JobMatch Talent, you can book a time for oral feedback directly through your client account in JobMatch Centre. You can then discuss the results with one of our JobMatch experts who will act as a sounding board and provide guidance and answers to your questions.

  6. Presentation of the results

    Depending on the purpose of your test, you can now use the result in different ways. The reports that are written directly to your employees can be passed on without the need to do much more. The employee will have a positive experience as well as insight into both their strengths and the areas that can be developed. You can also use the reports as a basis for the employee appraisals. Also, use the result to customise your leadership style to the individual employee in the best possible way.