Being service-oriented means having a strong focus on meeting the needs and expectations of customers or users in a professional, helpful, and accommodating way. It involves maintaining a positive attitude, strong communication skills, and the ability to quickly identify and solve problems to create a great experience for others.
What qualities are required to be service-oriented?
Customer focus: Prioritize the customer’s experience and demonstrate an understanding of their needs and expectations.
Flexibility and problem-solving: Be creative and adapt quickly to solve problems and address unique requests.
Communication: Be clear, attentive, and respectful in interactions with others.
Empathy: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and show care.
Sense of responsibility: Take accountability for delivering high-quality service, even if it requires extra effort.
When assessing the above traits, JobMatch offers two tools: JobMatch Talent, which evaluates personal characteristics, and JobMatch LogIQ, which measures problem-solving skills.
When is service orientation important?
Customer service and support: In retail, hospitality, restaurants, and IT support, where customers expect prompt and efficient assistance.
Healthcare: Patients and their families often need empathetic and friendly interactions.
Transportation and logistics: Travelers appreciate punctuality and pleasant service.
Banking and insurance: Customers expect clear answers and reliable help for important financial decisions.
B2B relationships: Business clients require professional interactions and long-term partnerships.
When is service orientation less critical?
Technical or automated processes: In services with minimal human interaction, such as self-checkout kiosks or automated chatbots, service orientation plays a smaller role.
Internal tasks without customer contact: In roles focused on analytical or technical work, such as programming or data analysis, service orientation is less central.
When product quality is key: For example, when selling standardized products that rarely require support, product functionality and price may outweigh service level.
Service orientation is most important in situations where the customer’s or user’s experience is critical to success. It is less central in roles and services with minimal customer interaction or where the focus is on delivering technical solutions or standardized products. However, being service-oriented is always an asset, as it fosters relationships and builds trust.
Du som arbetar med HR, rekrytering, företagsledning och/eller chefs- och personalutveckling m.m. har nu möjlighet att prova på JobMatch Talent – kostnadsfritt och utan förpliktelser – så att du kan se konkret vad det kan tillföra och bedöma om det är intressant att använda i skarpt läge.
Anmäl ditt intresse nedan så skickar vi över inloggningsuppgifterna!
Try JobMatch Talent
All those of you who make purchasing decisions for recruitment (MD, HR/personnel manager, administrative manager or equivalent) now have the opportunity to take a test – completely free of charge and without obligation – so you can see what it does and assess whether it would be interesting to use in your company’s recruitment process. Register your interest below and we will send you your login information.
JobMatch Talent’ı Deneyin
İşe alım süreci ile ilgili satın alma kararları veren herkes (Genel Müdür, İK/personel müdürü, idari müdür veya dengi) tamamen ücretsiz olan ve zorunlu olmayan bir test yapma fırsatına sahip- böylece ne yaptığını ve neleri değerlendirdiğini görebilir, şirketinizin işe alım sürecinde kullanmanın ilginç olup olmadığını değerlendirebilirsiniz. İlgilenmeniz durumunda aşağıdan kayıt olun ve size giriş bilgilerinizi gönderelim.
Prøv JobMatch Talent
Du som jobber med HR, rekruttering, virksomhetsledelse og/eller leder- og personalutvikling m.m. har nå muligheten til å prøve JobMatch Talent – gratis og uforpliktende – slik at du konkret kan se hva det kan tilføre og vurdere om det er interessant å bruke i en kritisk situasjon.
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Har du redan ett kundkonto loggar du in i ditt JobMatch Center och gör din beställning där.
Order JobMatch Talent
We have made it as easy as possible for you to get started with JobMatch Talent. You can buy the tests by piece or package deal, by frame agreement or by subscription. You can order via the form or contact us by phone or email.
If you already have a customer account, log in to your JobMatch Center and place your order there.
JobMatch Talent Siparişi
JobMatch Talent’a başlamanızı mümkün olduğu kadar kolaylaştırdık. Testleri çerçeve sözleşme veya abonelik yoluyla tek tek veya paket halinde satın alabilirsiniz. Form üzerinden sipariş verebilir veya telefon veya e-posta yoluyla bizimle iletişim kurabilirsiniz.
Vi har gjort det så enkelt vi kan for deg å komme i gang med JobMatch Talent. Du kan kjøpe testene enkeltvis eller i pakker, gjennom rammeavtale eller via abonnement. Du bestiller via skjemaet eller kontakter oss på telefon eller e-post.